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Workload is very much a resident level job, suitable for someone with limited O&G experience. During my placement, I worked directly with the SMO who is effectively on call 24/7, there is no registrar. Whilst you can potentially help out with some procedures, my jobs were primarily administrative- completing forms, sending referrals, documenting etc with some opportunity to assess patients for things like decreased movements etc, which you still run by the boss. The team were absolutely lovely, very pleasant to work with! IT systems are primarily EMR, with some paper forms for pathology etc. Make sure you try and get your IT access completed early, as it can be quite delayed if you’re not on top of it! Accommodation was also really nice! Just across the road from the hospital, modern and clean.
Resident level O+G job. Well supported by smo and midwives. Includes assisting in theatre for elective cases, supporting midwives in clinic with ordering investigations, and review patients who present for assessment (PPROM, PET, etc).